A past as an industrialist and cyclist, a present as an entrepreneur and derny coach. This is the common thread that links the history of my family to the personal one, with this profile I can be useful. If cycling needs me, I’m there.
I had many stimuli from the outside and received many requests from the world of cycling to apply, but you have to do it out of passion and not out of interest. My advantage is that after so many years as a manager of the FCI, always trying to merge the sporting aspect with the managerial one, I know the subject.
We must see cycling in a modern way: the bicycle enjoys great popularity and renewed interest in the world today and we must take advantage of the opportunity. You can have the best product in the world in your hand, but if you do not communicate it effectively, it remains a value for its own sake.

Italian cycling has enormous potential and we need to enhance it, but we need the necessary skills. A Federation with 18 million budget and more than 80 employees needs planning, you can’t improvise. Many ask for a more managerial approach, with my work experience I can afford to offer it.